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  • Writer's pictureDami Adesina

How My Time at Salford Business School Prepares Me for a Career in Media and Communications

Updated: May 13, 2020

Media Communications baby introduction :) >>> As a child, I was always been fascinated with the media and it has certainly not changed as I grow daily. To be honest, I can't imagine life without entertainment. It makes life more bearable in this fast-paced world.

My love for music, film, series and concerts birthed a career in media and communications. My background in Business Administration (Marketing) certainly brought some enlightenment and gave me the courage to broaden my knowledge. Thus, I embarked on my Master's degree in Digital Business at the prestigious University of Salford, Manchester.

My parents impressed upon me that determination, hard work and strength amidst diverse adversities creates success in any environment. The University of Salford is more than just a school to me. I am becoming self and life aware. I am building on my creative writing and communications skills

I believe that a University shouldn't just teach fundamentals and theories but business practicality and application. As a student of the online empire, I am prepared daily through mind-blowing modules in digital business, entrepreneurship, search and social media marketing. The university also offers industry collaboration to learn from the very best in the media industry.

A goal I set for myself as I embarked on my degree was to improve my presentation and writing skills. I am becoming comfortable with myself and confident as i develop daily. What's life without communication really?

As a black-belt in giving up easily, the business school is building my tenacity to face challenges and struggles head-on with impeccable support from staff. I am learning the importance of persevering and conquering each battle one step at a time.

My mind grows as I continue evolving, refining and researching new innovative ways to business and life. The ever-changing, ever-learning blueprint that has been set by the University gives me the confidence that I have the ability to contribute to the world.

#MediaGirl #SalfordUni #SBS #CustomerIsAlwaysKing #StillBeingWritten #MediaCommunications #CreativeWriter #Writing

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